THE CHRISTMAS SEASON IS HERE!Holiday parties, family get-togethers, and endless treats & social "Cheers" can be overwhelming when you're trying to stick to a health and fitness lifestyle. For some reason when the holiday season rolls around we tend to put all of our determination for clean eating, and getting those workouts in, on the back-burner.IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!You can have your 'Christmas Cake' and eat it too! Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.Enjoy your family, holiday parties, and even a few drinks here and there! The key is to have a plan. Make a conscious decision to stick with it and be mindful before you even show up to the party.Here are a few tips to keep you on track for the holiday season:

  1. Plan and schedule in your workouts - Make a schedule for the week to get all of your workouts in. Even if the party is on Friday night; wake up early Saturday to get that workout in! You wont ever regret getting a good workout in!
  2. Stay Hydrated - Drink lots of water throughout the day of the party. Staying hydrated will help with hunger and help if you end up having a few too many drinks.
  3. Eat before you go- Consume a high protein breakfast & lunch, and don't ever show up to a party starving!
  4. Try not to stand by the food table - Constant grazing adds up those calories fast!
  5. Go easy on yourself - Don't beat yourself up if you eat more than expected. Tomorrow is always a new day to start fresh with clean eating and a great workout!

 Merry Christmas and blessings for a prosperous New Year!SMASH Fitnesssparkler-677774__480


SMASH Fitness 6 Week Challenge


And the winner is....