Time Management!

So I’ve got a couple of different lifestyle, fitness and nutrition challenges going right now and something that seems to be common ground for EVERYONE is that there’s not enough time in the day!I get it- life is busy! Between kids, work, school, volunteering, commitments and everything else that gets thrown at us,  it's not easy to fit it all in! The first thing you need for effective time management is- you guessed it- a positive mindset! I know- I talk positive mindset all. the. time. but it’s SO important for accomplishing great things in your life! Positivity. Gratitude. Consistency.Think about these things. Make them a big part of your daily lifestyle. Great quote ⬇️“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” If you think you will never be organized, will forever be overwhelmed and it’s impossible to achieve your goals, you’re right.BUT, if you think you can be organized, commit to a plan and crush your goals, you will absolutely achieve anything you put your mind to! Train your mind -through positivity, gratitude and consistency- to see that you are capable of anything you want to achieve.Think about your goals, and just like your health and fitness goals, think about your “why” and how you would feel if you achieve those goals. Time management tips: 

  1. Put it in a calendar!

I’m a big fan of a physical, (not on your phone) right in front of you, calendar. Put it all in there- it doesn’t mean it will automatically get done (if only 😂)-but being intentional makes it easier to be more productive. 

  1. Schedule your “must do’s” into your calendar like it's an appointment you can’t miss- workouts and meal prep included!!

Keep yourself accountable to these appointments- tell a friend for more accountability! 

  1. Make a daily “to do” list. Be realistic about what you can actually get done. Check each thing off as you get it done- it is so rewarding to see a checked off list at the end of the day!


  1. Create an “already done” list. At the end of the day write down and check off any extras that you got done on top of, or even instead of what was on your daily “to do” list. Again, so rewarding!


  1. Have a great morning routine. Give yourself time to have a morning with intention. Some examples are:

-wake up early-no phone-hydrate-eat a healthy breakfast-meditate or pray-get one thing done off your “to do” list 

  1. Make a weekly meal plan. Know what you are eating for every meal and snack for the week! This saves you time and stress and makes you much more likely to stick with your clean eating habits.


  1. Sunday scheduling. Sit down on Sunday morning and schedule your entire week! Appointments, workouts, work, meal prep, down time and self care. This is a great time to do your goal setting and set intentions for your week! (Now put it in your calendar!)


  1. Always work on that mindset! Keep your focus on positivity, gratitude and consistency. Believe in yourself- tell yourself you can, and you will!!

 As always, I’m here to help you with whatever you need to SMASH your health and fitness goals! You’ve got this! 🙌 Susie ♥️ 


What is this "Transformation Challenge" all about?!