Tips for a very Merry Fitmas! 🎅🏻

It’s here!! ⛄️🎄And I’m so excited- I love Christmas for so many reasons- the giving spirit of the season, time with family and friends, the excitement of the kiddos and Christmas traditions, (like watching Christmas Vacation in my jams by the fire!) ❤️It’s a busy time of year with a LOT on the go - it can be easy to let your fitness and nutrition take a back seat to everything else- but it doesn’t have to be that way! You have goals and you’ve worked hard to get where you are, so why not do your best to stay on track over the holiday seasons so you don’t have to “start over” in January!Here’s a few helpful tips to keep you on target 🎯 to smashing those goals:

  •  Schedule your workouts in like an appointment that you can’t miss- if it’s in your schedule, you have to do it, right?! Make it a priority and get it in!
  • Keep up with your meal planning and prep - sit down on Sundays and make a plan. Get the groceries and do the prep. Preparation = success! If you know what you’re eating through the week you will be less likely to grab the treats at the office or go off the rails at a party.
  • Speaking of parties.... enjoy them! But try not to let them be an excuse to totally derail! The day of, get your workout in, drink lots of water throughout the day and eat a small, protein and veggie filled meal before you go so you’re not starving!
  • Pick your poison (wisely!) If you’re having some sociables try to choose ones that aren’t super high in sugar. A highball with soda or water will cause you much less of a headache in the morning than drinking wine, beer or cocktails with juice or pop!
  • Everything in moderation! It’s Christmas- so eat the turkey, drink the eggnog and enjoy every minute- even those 30 on the treadmill! 😉

Wishing you a blessed Christmas with your family and friends!🎄As always I’m here to answer any questions and help you with whatever you need in regards to smashing your fitness and nutrition goals! on InstagramSusie Meyers Athletics Strength Health SMASH Fitness on FacebookSusie ❤️ Get Outlook for iOS



