Goal Setting for Success

I love January! I love the energy in the gym. I love the enthusiasm of my clients. I love the opportunity to start fresh and refocus. I love setting new goals and crushing them. And I especially love seeing my clients, online clients, bootcampers, and nutrition challenge participants see the results of their hard work and dedication.The mindset of January is success. So how do we keep that mindset year round and long after January has passed? How do we achieve our goals- weight loss, weight gain, athletic performance, lifestyle maintenance? No matter what the goal the key to success is the same:-have a clear vision of what you want to achieve-set specific goals and break them down into daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly-TAKE ACTION!image-2-pngHere are a few ways to help you set goals, take action and achieve success!1) Set your daily and weekly goals on Sundays and keep them small enough to keep them absolutely attainable. Make sure they pertain to your long term goals.2) Tell them to someone. I have my clients send me their weekly goals to keeping themselves accountable. Make sure you say “I will” instead of “I want to”.3) Don’t necessarily change your goals weekly. Make them into habits and slowly add to them as you achieve.4) Prepare! Prepare your meals, prepare your workouts, prepare your priorities!5) Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Set realistic expectations, do your very best and be patient and forgiving with yourself. Change doesn’t happen overnight but if you are persistent it will happen!Everyone’s goals are different but if you’re looking to make your health and fitness a priority here are some examples of weekly goals:- I will workout ___ times this week.- I will drink ____ litres of water daily.- I will plan and prepare my meals for the week.- I will prepare and plan my workouts for the week.- I will record my food/water intake daily.- I will record my workouts including how I felt and how I progressed.- I will tell someone my goals to keep me accountable.- I will record my victories for the week!These are just examples. Your goals need to reflect what is important and what success means to YOU! If it’s something you truly want you CAN make it happen!As always, I’m here to help you out with your questions or concerns regarding training, nutrition, mindset and smashing those goals!Drop me a line@smash.fitness on instagramSusie Meyers Athletics Strength and Health on FacebookSusie2Susie xo 




SMASH Fitness 2018 6 Week Challenge